We were lucky enough to host 3 Merchistonians, who all attended the school in different decades (70s, 80s and 90s!), for our Agriculture careers talk this week
Careers Education & Guidance
Careers News
A-Level Pass Rate
It is often said that the purpose of education is to prepare pupils for the next step of their journey. In a fast paced world, in terms of technological advancement and changes to both education and the world of employment, it is perhaps more apt to say that it should prepare your son for the challenges of adapting to, and the shaping of, this world.
Developing this adaptability requires both an educational element: providing an environment in which self-awareness can be developed, leading to a focus on developing a range of skills and attributes; and a guidance element: being aware of the choices to be made at each stage of education, having good quality information to hand to aid this, and the implications of the choices made.Dr D Cartwright Academic Leadership Team
The main aim of Careers Education and Guidance at Merchiston is to enable your son to make informed choices at relevant stages. At the core of this lies the development of skills and attributes relevant to lifelong learning and career progression.
The information below provides an overview of the education and guidance in each year group.
- Second Form (Year 7)
- Third Form (Year 8)
- Fourth Form (Year 9)
- Shell (Year 10)
- Fifth Form (Year 11)
- Lower Sixth (Year 12)
- Upper Sixth (Year 13)
- Work Experience
- Careers Cafés and Careers Convention