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Sixth Form Curriculum

In the Sixth Form, your son will follow a 2-year A Level course with public examinations at the end of the Upper Sixth.

Typically, he will take 4 A Levels in the Lower Sixth, dropping to 3 in the Upper Sixth. If he wishes to retain a breadth of study, he can take a combination of A Levels or Scottish Highers in Upper Sixth.  We will discuss these options with him towards the end of Lower Sixth.

Sixth Form Subject Curricula

Sixth Form Subject Choices:

The table below shows an example of the subject choice columns for Sixth Formers. It is very flexible and is frequently updated to take into account particular requests and specialisations. It offers your son an extremely large number of subject combinations; we take great care to recommend combinations that fit his abilities, career aims and university entrance requirements.

Other classical and foreign languages are also available, should there be sufficient demand, e.g.

  • Classical Greek
  • German
  • Polish
  • Arabic
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Italian

University applications and careers guidance

In his Lower Sixth year, your son will have many opportunities to find out about careers and university/college courses through mechanisms such as:

  • Sixth Form societies
  • Careers Café
  • Links with Industry scheme.

Much care and time is given to careers guidance and to the choice of university or college courses and the application procedure through UCAS. You and your son will also have an individual consultation about university and college applications. This usually takes place in January / early February of the Upper Sixth to coincide with the UCAS process.

Project work

In the Sixth Form, project work may well form an integral part of your son’s course. To this end, we arrange study courses and outside visits, and there are Sixth Form societies centred on departments with expert guest speakers. Your son will have the opportunity to discuss the topic of the talk in small groups with the speakers who are drawn from universities, industry and public life.


Lower sixth subject choices