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pupil holding up a petrie dish containing an insect

We pride ourselves as a hands-on and forward thinking department and we strive to inspire and cultivate a fascination for life sciences in boys of all ages.


We allow our pupils to explore Biology through a variety of practical and theoretical approaches. We maintain a large collection of exotic animals (a tortoise, snakes, a chameleon and various insects) to bring real-life Biology into the classroom.

In IGCSE and A level, your son will experience advance genetics techniques as well as a wide range of the usual practical work. The school grounds and the local area also lends itself well to ecological field work. We aim to provide a broad based biological education to prepare your son right up to Oxbridge Medic/ Vet level or simply to encourage a healthy, scientifically informed life.

A morning in the Biology Department

Our student-led Medical Society provides opportunities for prospective medics to collaboratively apply their scientific knowledge in a medical context. On average, 7% of our Year 13 students have applied for Medicine at university over the last three years.


Coming from a state school, science was taught very theoretically. Here at Merchiston, we do so many practicals to reinforce our knowledge. This has given me a totally different view on school in general: every day I wake up and I look forward to my lessons

Vincent B Year 11 (S4)

Through our close links with the Roslin Institute, IGCSE and A Level pupils also get to experience advanced genetics techniques as well as a wide range of the usual practical work offered within schools. Being able to use the Roslin labs has enabled the department to deliver hands on experiments on subject matter elsewhere only able to be taught theoretically.

Ms Williams Head of Science

Academic News

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Merchiston students on a trip to Paris, standing in front of the Louvre

Our MerchiSTEAM students tell us more about their incredible trip to Paris, earlier this month. 

GCSE Results 2024

After Merchiston's strong performance at A-Levels last week, today marks another greatly anticipated day with the publication of our GCSE results for the V Form. Once again, our students have put in a strong performance across the cohort with a fantastic 47% of all papers graded 9/8/7 and 90% papers graded 9-4.