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English as an Additional Language

pupils in classroom with hands raised

About 20% of our pupils are international students from approximately 25 countries. 

We are committed to making appropriate provision of teaching and resources if English is an additional language for your son. The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Department will identify his needs at the earliest opportunity and ensure that he is able to use English confidently and competently across the curriculum.

Assessing needs

The Head of EAL liaises with the Head of the Faculty of Support for Learning, the two other members of the EAL department, and other academic departments to support your son’s needs. He will be assessed by the Head of Department, who will establish what prior subject knowledge and experience he has in other subjects. 

Personalised support

Your son will receive a programme tailored to meet his needs, including small group or one-to-one support. His class/subject teachers will plan collaboratively with EAL focusing on both language and subject content. To ensure he is doing as well as he can, your son’s progress and attainment as an EAL learner will be closely monitored. We appreciate that your son’s conceptual thinking may be in advance of his ability to speak English. That is why we make certain the cognitive challenge remains appropriately high and is not reduced because the English language demand has been reduced.

School News

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Students at Merchiston Castle School spending time outdoors 

A round-up of all of the amazing festive fundraisers supported by our Community.