Gary Heatly was at Murryfield to cover the Final of the rugby Schools Cup, played against Stewart's Melville College.
Support for Learning
Your son will benefit tremendously from our whole school approach to Support for Learning.
Your son will benefit tremendously from our whole school approach to Support for Learning. Every teacher is responsible for supporting all learners in their class and the Support for Learning department offers guidance to teachers on research-based pedagogies, whether it be stretching able learners or supporting pupils with additional needs, such as dyslexia.
Support for Learning staff will work in partnership with you, your son and teachers, including the Academic Leadership Team and pastoral staff. Your son will be very much involved in the discussion process, providing information about his strengths, what he finds difficult and what helps him to learn. This forms the basis of his Profile. If we know your son has additional needs, he will come to us for assessments as part of the admissions process so that we are all prepared for the start of his journey with us. We will monitor your son’s progress throughout his time with us and meet with you to discuss his reports and our provision.
The Harvey Hub
Support for Learning is deliberately housed in the heart of the school in an area called The Harvey Hub (named after Mr Thomas Harvey, Headmaster 1856-1863). It’s a warm, welcoming space, chosen for its location, which allows boys and staff to drop in. It is well used by boys of all ages and abilities. If your son requires small group timetabled lessons they will happen here; some Sixth Formers choose to use the quiet space to work during free time.
During timetabled sessions, your son might work on literacy skills, revision technique and exam technique. This approach has enabled boys to gain extremely good grades, despite the challenges they may have had to face.
Laura Cougan, Head of Support for Learning, would be very happy to meet with you and your son at any stage in the application process. Please let the Admissions team know if you would like to make an appointment.
The Support for Learning department will strive to ensure your son has the skills he needs to access the curriculum and reach his full potential.
Laura couganHead of Support for Learning