A Top Private Boys Boarding School
The benefits of modern boarding are well documented. Gone are the inhospitable days of yesteryear. Your son will be part of a warm, caring and busy community.
By definition of living in this community, your son will have a diverse social life and form strong bonds with his friends. Many of his friends will be international, giving him the cultural awareness so critical in our global world.
As well as your son’s social skills, you will notice greater levels of confidence. And a genuine respect for others that comes from co-existing together. Then there’s the resilience, independence and self-motivation boarding brings, and the opportunities for taking on responsibility for aspects of managing the House in the Sixth Form; skills as desirable in the workplace as they are useful at school.
A key benefit of boarding is a longer day. Activities can run into the evening: indoor football, debating, trips to the theatre. It’s one of the reasons that boarders are able to pursue such a wide range of interests. If your son is someone who buys into this he can still get the sleep he needs without spending time and energy commuting.
If your work takes you away or keeps you late, there is much comfort in the constancy and additional role models boarding provides. Not to mention the welcome reduction in demands on the parental taxi service.