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Charitable Work

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It is important that your son understands the reality of the world in which he lives, a world in which two thirds of the population live in poverty. 

Just as important is that he recognises the role he can play in making a difference to those less privileged; that he learns the value of giving both his time and his money to help others. He might find himself preparing and serving meals for the homeless, helping with a gardening project for elderly ex-servicemen or helping younger children with learning difficulties at a local school.

We run a variety of fundraising events each year ranging from the Charity Ball to sponsored walks. The weekly offering from the Sunday service is also donated to charity.

Charities Regularly Supported
Sick Kids, Edinburgh
Cancer Research
St Catherines Homeless Project, Edinburgh
Rock Trust, Edinburgh
Sightsavers International
St Luke's Leprosarium, Tamil Nadu, India and a nearby home for disabled boys

Charitable Work News

Play and Pause Buttons for Slideshow
Students at Merchiston Castle School spending time outdoors 

A round-up of all of the amazing festive fundraisers supported by our Community.

graphic logo with black moustache on white field

Help us fundraise for Men's Health in the month on November!

two young boys, former pupils at Merchiston Castle School at their graduation

Former Pupils Finlay and Thomas undertake a Half Marathon to raise funds for MND research. 

Group of children standing in the Tennis Dome at Merchiston Castle School

Our Tennis Dome was a hive of activity last Saturday for our 'Slice' event. Thank you Mr Millar for organising!

Close up image of a Merchiston Castle School Piper depicting his hands on the chanter

Well done to III Form Pupil and piper Calum R. who had a busy Half Term playing at the opening of the new local Community Hub. 

Programme for the Merchiston Burns Supper 2023 on a tables amongst glasses, custlery and whisky

Find out more about the success of our much-awaited Merchiston Burns Supper at Dynamic Earth, earlier in January.

wo boys in kilts standing next to the welcome sign for 'A Very Merchiston Christmas Fair'

A resounding success for our inaugural ‘A Very Merchiston Christmas Fair’ last weekend. What a fantastic way to bring in the Christmas cheer!

Christmas burlap sack to carry presents

As part of our Community and Outreach projects, the School hosted the Community Service Christmas Party in the Theatre last Wednesday.

Teacher at Merchiston and charity worker in front of a bus full of books donated to Books Abroad charity

The School was delighted to be able to join the efforts of Books Abroad by donating a large amount of books to support education in developing countries worldwide.

Graphic to announce the Merchiston Burns Supper 2023 on a field of tartan

Merchiston is excited to announce the return of our Burns Supper for 2023. The much-awaited event will be held at Dynamic Earth on Friday 27 January 2023.