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Pipes & Drums

Merchiston Castle School senior Pipe Band perfoming in front of the main school building during the celebrations for the Coro

Hearing the sound of pipes & drums in Scotland is a very stirring experience. At Merchiston your son has the opportunity to join our brilliant Pipes & Drums programme and grow their music talent.

Under the expert leadership of Mr Warren, Pipes & Drums at Merchiston presents an incredible opportunity for pupils who would like to progress their skills in the discipline, whilst also offering a supportive space to those who would like to take up piping and/or drumming for the very first time. 

The Pipe Band is a unique fusion of music and sport and allows pupils to gain confidence in perfoming and developing those all important teamwork skills.The Pipe Band performs and competes regularly locally, nationally and internationally - as well as featuring in our School events such as our annual Burns Supper and our Open Days. Our spacious grounds are a perfect backdrop for Band practice!

Mr Warren himself is a member of the Grade 1 World Champion Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band and regularly performs with the world famous Red Hot Chilli Pipers; he teaches passionately and your son couldn't be in more capable hands!


Mr Warren, Director of Pipes & Drums

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General George meeting pupils

Merchiston was delighted to hosted Chief of Staff of the US Army, General Randy George, on 7th May for the 78th Kermit Roosevelt Lecture in the beautiful setting off our Memorial Hall.

Manhattan skyline showing Empire State building

Our Pipe Band and Close Harmony Group choir have set off for New York to take part in the 26th annual Tartan Day parade. 

The boys have had an extra special start to their journey, as they have flown on a plane piloted by the father of one of the band.

Pipe Band Winners

The Merchiston Pipe Band took first prize in the Junior B Grade at the recent Glasgow Highland Club competition, held at Hutchison Grammar School.

Merchiston Castle School Pipe Band perform at the GWC Schottish School Championship

Last weekend our Pipe Band travelled to George Waston's for the 2023 CCF Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships. Find out how it went.