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Laidlaw (Age 16+)

pupils in bedroom in House


Laidlaw House, your son’s home for the Sixth Form, is designed to bridge the gap between school and his next step into adulthood.

It is run as a university for pupils, and rewards Sixth Formers with a degree of privilege, freedom and trust. Your son will be trusted to use this privilege and freedom responsibly and to understand that it comes with an obligation to serve the needs of his contemporaries and the boys in lower years.

We hope that your son will view Laidlaw as a sanctuary from the rigours of Sixth Form studies; a place where he can explore who he wants to be as well as what he wants to be; a place to practice the values of integrity, cheerfulness and resilience we espouse. It is also a safe space to hone the valuable skill of balancing individual freedom with the wellbeing of others in the community; a place to develop empathy, respect, forbearance and cooperation.

Your son will notice that his relationships with staff become less formal in Laidlaw. Founded on mutual trust and respect, the informality serves as a building block for university and the workplace. Our aim is that your son grows into a confident, courteous, well-mannered young man, determined to seize not squander the opportunities of the Sixth Form and beyond.

