Strength & Conditioning
Golf Fixtures & Results
Details of School fees can be found on the School Fees page. The following additional fees apply to the Golf Academy.
- Golf Academy Elite Squad £2,805 pa
- Golf Academy Development Squad £1,530 pa
ISGA School Rankings Table
All Development and Elite Squad players participate in Conditioning and Performance sessions. Using the latest sports science research and techniques, your son will be helped to acquire, produce, build and retain accuracy on a more consistent basis.
Much of this involves working with the organisation Golf Fit, which now has the most qualified golf fitness professionals in the UK and can boast one of the largest junior development programmes in the world.
The Golf Fit philosophy is simple:
Your golf can only be as good as your body allows it to be. By identifying weaknesses in mobility, stability, balance or power we can then design and implement your individual programme to target these areas. This enables your golf swing to become more efficient and effective.
The unique training systems have helped golfers to play in Ryder Cups, hit the ball longer and straighter, and play pain free rounds following injury.
Golf News
We were delighted to see that the Merchiston Golf Academy continues to enjoy great standings in the Independent Schools Golf Assocation (ISGA) rankings.
This week the Junior Golf Academy won the ISGA National Junior Open at Drayton Park, Oxford. Sixteen teams were competing and the team made up of Harry M, Santiago H, Jack D and Ollie S came out on top.
The Golf Academy were recently competing in the British Schools National Finals at Belton Woods Golf Club, Lincolnshire. Merchiston finished 5th out of 17 teams in the UK.
Over the weekend, Harry M (II Form) won the Junior School Golf match play final at Turnberry.
Fraser Hutchison has been appointed at new Director of Golf at Merchiston. We look forward to welcoming him in October.
Last Friday we hosted our annual Sportsman's Dinner to celebrate Merchiston's sporting successes in 2022-23.