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Player Vision and Development

Tennis News

Tennis Slice Pizza Party

Over the first weekend back at school the tennis academy boys supported another of our community initiatives in the tennis dome with their mentoring and leadership skills at our Slice Pizza Party!

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Merchiston Castle School Tennis Academy Player on Court hitting a ball

At Merchiston, our vision is focused on developing the total player within our tennis academy. 

Our approach is perfectly aligned with British tennis; however, it has the added element of positioning the personal behaviours and characteristics we want to see from our players first, promoting and supporting Merchiston's values. 

We work closely with our teaching staff to build a complete picture of our boys and clearly understand 'why', 'how' and 'what' we hope to achieve from the Merchiston Tennis Academy.


First page of the PDF file: MerchistonCastleSchoolTennisAcademyPlayerVisionPDF