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Exam Results

"...these brainboxes snagged one of Scotland's highest percentages of A*-B grades at A Level.

Tatler School Guide 2018

A balanced curriculum, excellent pastoral care and a high A Level pass rate make Merchiston one of the UK’s leading independent schools.

UK Boarding Schools

Academic News

GCSE Results 2024

After Merchiston's strong performance at A-Levels last week, today marks another greatly anticipated day with the publication of our GCSE results for the V Form. Once again, our students have put in a strong performance across the cohort with a fantastic 47% of all papers graded 9/8/7 and 90% papers graded 9-4.

Merchiston Main Building

An impressive 15% of our graduates secured an A* grade, with 85% achieving grades between A* and C. Our overall pass rate remains very robust, with 100% securing passes in these courses.

Merchiston branded pencils in a cup

In today’s competitive and global workplace it is important that your son leaves school having achieved the very best of which he is capable, equipped for his next step.

Our results showcase the formidable academic achievements of our boys and demonstrates the way we will raise your son up over his time with us. Here are some of the key facts and figures:

Our exam results show both the consistency and excellence of an education at Merchiston, which place us annually at the top of the league tables of Scottish schools.


Academic Results

Our latest A-Level Results (2023-24) can be viewed on our News page.



A Level School


A's at A Level is 144 UCAS points.

Merchiston’s average is 141 points.


of successful applicants in 2020

went to UK Russell Group Universities, Bath, St Andrews and leading international institutions


of pupils gained places at their 1st or 2nd 

choice University



- UK average 54%


of grades achieved at a level

were A*/A/B 


pass rate

at A Level (2019)



achieved a clean sweep of A* / A grades at A Level


achieved at least one

A* or A grade at A Level


pupils achieved

a clean sweep of A* / A grades at GCSE


Grades 9/8 or A* pass rate



9/8/7 pass rate


What makes these results all the more remarkable is that entrance to Merchiston is not based solely on academic ability; Merchiston is not an academic ‘hot house’ for very bright boys. Our performance is a testament to our pupil centred approach; each result tells a story of a young man’s hard work, and the genuine and intensive personalised academic support we will have given him every step of the way.

We place significant trust in Merchiston when recommending it as an outstanding senior school option for boys. Former pupils who go on to Merchiston never fail to impress when they return to visit, either as senior school pupils or beyond school leaver age. Merchiston succeeds in stimulating, challenging and inspiring boys to achieve their potential and readies them for an ever changing and increasingly complex world.

Liam Harvey, Headmaster St. Mary’s Melrose

GCSE and A Level Results 2012-19

GCSE 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
% Pass (A*-C) / Pass 97 95  96 98 97 94
% A* grades or Grades 9/8 38 29  22 35  28 36
% A grades or Grade 7 27 31  35 35  30 25
% A*, A & B grades  90 86  82 89  86 82
Combined Results 2018 2019        
Pass 97 93        
Grades 9/8 or A* 41 35        
Grades 7 or A 25 22        
Grades 9/8/7 or A*/A 66 57        


A level 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
% Pass (A-E) 100 100 99  100 99 100 100 99
% A* grades 21 19 18 12 13 19 21 18
% A grades 35 33 36 28 31 28 29 22
% A*/A/B grades 81 81 81 76 77 74 77 73
% A*/A/B/C grades 96 94 96 91 94 89 95 89